I know I’m two and a half weeks behind but on Easter Monday I went to Wigtown, the book town of Scotland (or at least one of them) It was interesting to see the Solway Forth from the other side and driving along the A75 it was a picturesque drive. Of course wherever you are the wind turbines are evident. There are many heavy lorries on the road as it leads to and from the busy port of Stranraer and in places is quite dangerous. The secret is to find out the times of the ferries and not drive at that time.
I hadn’t seen my friend for about three years, so you can imagine we spent all the time catching up on events. She is a Christian writing friend (or do I mean a writing Christian friend?) so some of our conversations were literary and learned; at least on her side.
I commented on the similar place-names of Wigton in Cumbria and Wigtown in Galloway. She told me of a speaker who was to speak at the Wigton church and went to Cumbria instead. I think everyone is more careful now.
I know this isn’t very interesting reading this if you’re from Hong Kong or South Africa, but I promise the next blog will not be about places.
Carol, the Bank Holiday traveller