This week I climbed a small Wainwright. OK it was only a tiny one, number 192. Going up there was a slight drizzle; not good for me wearing glasses. It was not possible to see the top because of the mist. When we did reach the top we couldn’t see where we’d come from.
Then we were assailed by the strong wind but we found shelter to eat a snack and after photos to record the climb we turned to come down. The photos emphasised the inclement weather.
As wedescended out of the mist the weather changed. We could see our cars in the valley and two of the local lakes. By looking hard we could see the Solway and Scotland. Then the mist moved obliterating that view and revealing another. Mist was on the move all the time.
It was my friend who pointed out how like life this was. Sometimes we are in the mist; surrounded by problems and not seeing a way out. Then we see a ray of sunshine and life becomes easier. Weather and life do not stay the same. We can be on the mountain top of life or down in the valley.
It is then, and always, that we need our God. He is not like the swirling mist; He is like the solid rock beneath our feet. “On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.”