We read of these in Matthew 25 though in my day they were called ‘talents.’ I believe everyone has been given these by God but in my case it was probably one. I think my talent is to write, but I have to ask myself what am I actually doing with my talent. Am I using it or is it buried. With God’s help I have written four books, a number of stories, articles and meditations.
That was in the past and was all very well and good but what about now? I am not as fit as I once was and need to rest for a time each day. I am not using my talent as much as I was.
I’m not very proficient on social media with things like face book, instagram and twitter, and many other things I’ve never even heard of. Does God understand how I struggle with these? Does He know how often I’m too tired to write? Instead of writing I need to rest. Yes, I believe He does. I need to remember my talent is a gift and not a burden. Surely He will give me all the strength to do all I need to do. So at the moment I have to trust, obey and rest.