Here I am

I’ve not murdered anyone or raided a bank, but I am still a sinner.In God’s eyes. I don’t believe there are degrees of sin. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.but God can still use us fallen creatures. In the Bible we read of many men and women who at first were too busy to hear His call. – Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Ananias Paul, Samuel. Nevertheless they eventually replied with the words, ‘Here I am.’ But God also says to them ‘Here I am.’ God used and responded to sinful men, they were to be a partnership.

God still speaks today, He calls us into His service. We pray we may not be too busy to hear His call. In answering His call we are not necessarily called to be Brother Andrew, Billy Graham or Mother Theresa, He needs foot-servants and well as admirals. Who else will speak to our neighbours, shop assistants or taxi drivers? We can speak words of hope, encouragement and salvation. We can give a helping hand to a neighbour or make a meal for a hungry family. God has a whole list of jobs for us to do. As God says to us, ‘Here I am’ may we always say to God, ‘Here I am.’