Live on your Knees

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I came across this quote the other day – ‘It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.’ Emiliano Zapata

As Zapata was a Mexican revolutionary who was assassinated before the age of 60, his meaning of ‘live on your knees’ was different to mine. I presume he meant don’t give up, it is better to wear out than rust out. I related the phrase to living your life in constant prayer. But is it possible to pray too much. Yes, if our prayer is not followed by action, it is only half the story. We are told that prayer and action go together. ”Faith without works is dead.’ Ephesians 2:9. The lives of Mary and Martha are an example, one had plenty of faith and not so much works; the other emphasized the works and thereby missed out on the teaching of Jesus. We need to get the balance right.