Not Worthy

‘I don’t feel I’m worthy enough to take communion,’ my Christian friend told me; I felt so sad. Of course, she is not good enough, nor are any of us. As we all know it’s not a matter of us being good enough, it’s a matter of God being good enough. There is no way we can ever earn God’s blessing, we are fallen creatures, full of sin. Our worthiness doesn’t come into it.

‘Come unto me,’ Jesus says. He doesn’t say when you are in a better person ‘Come to me.’ The life of a Christian is not for a good person, think of the Pharisees that Jesus had to deal with. Their hearts were closed because they thought they were good enough. The only time Jesus is recorded as being angry is with self-righteous people. The Bible tells us when we are weak then we are strong. God wants us with our brokenness, our failures and our wretchedness. as well as our sin. He will sort all this out and then we can be really strong and worthy in His strength.

God accepted and welcomed Saul and David and Moses and they were all pretty high on the sin list. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation or God’s love, our weakness is our only qualification; what an up-side-down God we have!

I tried explaining all this to my friend and that was my only responsibility; God must do the rest. I continue to pray for her and thank Him for all the revelations He has given me. I thank Him that He alone has shown me His salvation and way to live.