Two Sparrows

One of the joys of my new home is watching the birds scurrying round my garden. They visit the bird table to eat the food I give them and also scrabble round the garden finding worms. The pigeons seem to have characters of their own as they chase each other away from the food. In spite of this my food gets gobbled up so quickly t’hat’ll I have to put the birds back on a diet of worms!

God knows when one of these birds is in trouble or dies, so how much more does He care for your and me. Each morning He knows exactly what will happen to us during the day. He knows when we are in danger, have problems or worries. So why do we worry when God is already coping with the issue? He is in control

We read in Matthew 10:29-31, ‘Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing, yet not one of them falls to the ground outside Your father’s care…….. You are worth more than many sparrows.’ God has every situation in hand. Our job is to wait and pray, even more important – pray and wait. Our job is to keep in contact with the Person who has all the answers. We can look back a day, a month or even a year; God has never let us down. ‘Because He loves the sparrow, I know He cares for me.’