A Heavenly Welcome

God has placed us in families which is a wonderful thing, but family relationships do not always run smoothly. As many of us will know there are family rifts and tensions mixed in with the periods of happiness and security. It is so sad to hear in the news of babies not wanted and abandoned. Fortunately many go on to be adopted and have a happy childhood.

There are other instances where family relationships do not work. It is sometimes due to sinfulness in the relationship and the sinfulness in our own lives. There are sibling rivalries which can last a lifetime, while in other cases marriages end in divorce. Later in life many have a lonely old age, no-one should be alone when they are old, but sadly many are.

Our relationship with God is so different because God is perfect, even though we’re not. He compensates for our imperfections. With Him we are never abandoned or unloved. The sin in our relationship is wiped out by the power of His shed blood. When we think about the story of the Prodigal Son we realise how much our God loves us with a magnificent love. At the gates of heaven, God will be there to welcome us and welcome us for all eternity. Loneliness and isolation will be no more. The feeling of not fitting in will be no more. Such wonderful news for those of us, and that’s everyone, who doesn’t have a perfect family.