Twenty-four Seven

‘When I am awake I am still with you.’ Psalm 139:18

In this text, I notice one word in particular ‘still,’ This implies that during the night I have been with my God, or more importantly, He has been with me. He doesn’t return as I awake, He hes never left me. Little children are often afraid of the dark and the night. I had a sibling who had night terrors and I would often be disturbed by the sound of my parents soothing him back to sleep. There was a difficult period of my life when as I became conscious after sleep, my heart would plummet with fear of the difficult day ahead, but God never left me..

Maybe you and I experience similar feelings today. We need to remember, having been with us during the night, God is still with us.The Psalmist tells us in Psalm 121:6.’The sun shall not smite you by day or the moon by night.’ Elsewhere we read ‘Even the darkness is not dark to You. ‘ Psalm 139:12. Just because we are asleep or even trying to sleep, God hasn’t gone off duty.

Every promise that we read in the Bible for the daytime, applies equally to the night. God doesn’t have a ‘clock off time.’ Nor is it just during our living years that we have this assurance. Psalm 139 comforts us with the words’, Lead me in the way everlasting.’