Hidden in a Tree

People who encounter Jesus go from poor in spirit to rich in spirit. Zacchaeus went from financial wealth to poverty. At the beginning of the narrative, being a chief tax collector, he was known for cheating the Jews and being rich. After his encounter with Jesus he repaid everyone he had cheated fourfold. He also gave away half his possessions. He must have ended up nearly bankrupt!

Consider our wealth today. We don’t read of the wealthiest people being the happiest. Lottery winners often regret winning millions of pounds as it ruins their lives. More cars and houses don’t buy more happiness. They become suspicious of their friends, in case they are only friends because of their money? Money and possessions become a stranglehold.

Of course, we all need enough to live on and we know many people do not have that. Those of us who have enough can share, we can give to others and charities. If we don’t desire to give nationally, we can give to local food banks and money for equipment for local schools, We can give to the homeless we see on our streets. We should not give money to them as it can be used for drugs or drink, give food or drinks, or as I once did in a rainstorm, an umbrella. The devil will always supply us with excuses not to give.