Sharing Meals

‘When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the twelve,’ Matthew 26:20. At the Last Supper Jesus was enjoying a meal with His friends. He also know it would be the last time He would dine with them before His crucifixion. We often find Jesus eating with His friends while here on earth. This last supper was so important that it has been celebrated down the centuries, as Jesus requested it should be, in remembrance of Him.

One of the first things that Jesus did after His resurrection was to eat again with friends. This time it was on the seashore. After Jesus had cooked the breakfast (it must have been the best tasting breakfast ever) He reaffirmed His love and forgiveness to Peter, who had denied Him so badly. Previously we find Him eating at the home of Mary and Martha, though it proved to be a time of sibling rivalry, showing that even in the presence of Jesus there can be problems. At the disciples’ home in Emmaus the unrecognized Jesus dined with his two disciples until the fellowship was cut short by His disappearance. Another occasion was the wedding feast at Cana, though again not all went smoothly.

I am blessed that I can share my home with others as I offer anything from a glass of water to a full-blown meal. It can be a time of friendship, conversation and love. If Jesus can also be present that makes it special.