
To those in prison around the world suffering for their faith, there must be times of anguish and doubt. Is there a God out there at all? As I have never suffered for my faith at that level I can’t deeply understand. But John the Baptist was one such person. He had been the forerunner of the Messiah and had been the person to baptize Jesus. Now he was languishing in prison and asking the question ‘Are You the One we have been expecting, or are we still waiting?’

Jesus gave him a list of His miracles. The blind had been made to see again. Those who were lame were now walking, cleansing had been given to those who had leprosy, the deaf were able to hear again. Jesus finished by stating that the dead had been raised to life. And finally there was the good news that salvation would be available through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Himself.

This wasn’t just encouragement for John, it is encouraging for every one today. Our God is a God of miracles and also salvation. He is not only a doer of good works, He is the bringer of life, fuller and more abundant. To John’s question the answer is ‘Yes, He is the One.’