To an Unknown God

Paul was gifted with the wonderful talent of being able to meet people where they were. When he had walked round Athens, he’d noticed there were altars to many different gods. He used this as a starting point to reach out to the people and even complimented them, ‘I see that in many ways you are very religious.’ I imagine the townsfolk of Athens were flattered by this observation and willing to listen further.

There is no accusing attitude in what Paul had to say and in no way is he blaming them for having many gods. He talks about their altar to an unknown god and then says he is going to show this unknown god to them. If there was a master class in evangelizing, this surely would be it. At the end of the sermon we read that some of the listeners sneered but others said ‘We want to hear you again on this subject.’

I pray that when we start to speak to others about Christ, the Holy Spirit may reveal to us ‘a way in.’ Obviously there are as many different approaches as there are people. I’ve marveled at the various ways the Holy Spirit has worked in my conversations. It has been different approach but always a friendly conversation has been possible. It should not be surprising as God, and not us, knows exactly where our listener is standing spiritually.