Have Faith in God

‘I can do all things through God who strengthens me.’ the Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13

The neon light outside a church I passed daily as a child said ‘Have faith in God.’ So much was it a part of our landscape that we would ask the bus driver to drop us off at ‘Have Faith in God, using it as the name for the bus stop. I never thought about the words then, it was just there. Over the decades I wonder how many people like myself had never thought about the meaning of those words and how many have taken the words to heart.

Eric Liddle, Gladys Aylward and others have had faith in God and done great work for Him. Hudson Taylor and many more of God’s servants went to the country of China under the strength of God. Mary Slessor witnessed in Nigeria. Countless missionaries in the past and today have worked for the Lord under that same banner. They went in the strength of God and achieved great things for Him.

How often do we rely on our own strength and have faith on our puny endeavours? How often do we fail to achieve because our will power is not enough? Today we teach our youngsters they can do anything if they have enough faith in themselves. Not true. Apart from God, we can do nothing.