Only a Housewife.

‘Lord, I believe that You are the Messiah, the Son of God, the One coming into the world.’ John 11:25-27.

This was not said by someone who had spent their whole life studying the scriptures.These were words of affirmation which were uttered not by a learned scholar or member of Jesus’ elite group of disciples. This was not said by a scholarly person. It was said by a housewife. Martha, who we believe hadn’t spent her life in study, but preparing meals and washing up. She had grasped the fact that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. This was the woman who previously been admonished by Jesus for being too preoccupied in domestic chores. Yet she had grasped the truth that many others had struggled to understand.

Today, when asked their occupation, some ladies apologetically answer, I’m just a housewife.’ ‘I’m a stay at home, mum.’ These are phrases which down-play important roles. Housework keeps home life ticking over. It has been said ‘the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world’, showing how important parenthood is. These roles can be used to shape youngsters in the way that they should go and many in later life will have cause to thank their parents.. We don’t read of Martha being a mother but she was a help and good influence to her family around her.