
It has recently been pointed out to me that my hearing is not perfect, there are times I miss-hear or don’t hear at all. But I’m sure the same is true of my spiritual hearing as well. Do I hear when God is speaking to me, or am I like children when they pretend not to hear an instruction given to them? There are times when the words God says to us are unwelcome. We don’t want to hear His correction or a leading when it doesn’t fit in with out plans. Yet the prophets and the Psalmist urges the people on behalf of God, ‘Give ear to my cry’, ‘give ear to Me, all you nations.’ In Revelation we read ‘he who has ears to hear, let him hear.’

We need to keep our spiritual ears from harm. Listening to unsavory and un-Godlike things will do them and us harm. What goes in the ear will permeate into the mind and do spiritual damage. In .Philippians 4 we are urged ‘whatsoever things are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honourable, think on these things.’

Hearing and listening is a two way thing. We also cry out to God for Him to hear us but fortunately, He is more ready to hear than we are to speak to Him. His ears are never damaged or closed. He will always hear.