God of Justice

The Bible tells us in many places that God is just and loving. In my own life I’ve experienced His justice. He has given me all I want or need and given me far more than I deserve. So why do I have friends who suffer and struggle?

At this present time I am saddened by the situation of a friend who is going through all kinds of trouble. She has sick and ailing parents and parents-in-law, living a way away which involves travelling a distance to attend to their needs. Her role as a parent is particularly hard at this time . Now I’ve just heard that her mobile phone has been hacked. I have to cry out, why, Lord, why?

I thought I’d learned not to ask that question of the Lord. God reigns over all the universe. The Lord God can do no wrong. I do believe that. God does answer these prayers of mine, but often in ways I don’t expect. I love this friend of mine and don’t want her to suffer. There are all kinds of unsatisfactory answers I can give, Everything will work out all right in the end, she will have her reward in heaven, God is trying to teach her something. I do not understand at all, the only thing i can do is prayer and by sharing this with you all, I know you can pray for her too. God is the God of justice, I have no answers to my questions but I know God is in control.