The Wisdom of Children

I’m so wise because I pray to God.’ Not words one would expect a three year old to utter, We couldn’t be sure how much Evie appreciated what she was saying, did she even understand the meaning of the word ‘wise?’ Was she copying words from her parents? Whatever, the words made the adults in her life think Were they like Evie praying to God enough to absorb His wisdom? It’s often children who have direct thoughts about God. No wonder Jesus said that out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom.

Wisdom was the attribute that Solomon requested of God, when God offered him anything he desired. ‘ Give Your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern Your people, that I may descern between good and evil.’ 1 Kings 3:9.

Every day there is a need for us to demonstrate wisdom. What do we say, how do we act, what does this tricky situation require? The world is watching us and they will judge our God by our actions. Like little Evie we need to pray continuously because when we become Christians we do not automatically put on the mantle of wisdom. Like Solomon we need to ask for it.