
We were officially in a drought, there had been no rain for weeks. The harvest couldn’t be collected in because it hadn’t ripened. Rain was desperately needed. The drought was also evident in my small garden where the grass had been brown for months. Small plants had long since died and even the larger ones were struggling to survive.

Then one morning it happened. The sky grew darker, the temperature dropped. There were only a few drops of rain at first which increased to a torrent as the rain fell more heavily. It was as if months worth of rain were falling all at once. The ground eagerly soaked up this welcome moisture, the grass became green again and the plants looked healthy instead of dying, everything was bursting with life. Even the birds seemed to sing a brighter song.

I can imagine how Elijah would have felt during the drought in his country. He sent his servant to scan the sky for signs of rain, but it took seven journeys before he even saw a ‘cloud the size of a man’s hand.’ I love Elijah’s taunting message to Ahab ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’ 1 Kings 18:44

We can have droughts in our souls when we loose communication with God. Our souls become dry and arid. Our blessings from God need not stay as small as a man’s hand. With God there will be showers of blessing .