The Birds

At this time of year I put out seeds and tit-bits for the birds in my garden and during the day I am rewarded by their presence. The sight of them is my reward but I’ve never thought about them feeding me, though that is what happened to Elijah. After telling Ahab that there would be no rain for two or three years God instructed the prophet to flee and hide by the Kerith River. His thirst would be quenched by water from the river and he would be fed by ravens.

By a great stretch of the imagination I can imagine God speaking to the ravens and giving them their instructions for the day. ‘I want you to take food to my servant, Elijah hiding by the Kerith River.’ Just think of ravens, birds of prey, laying their scavenged food at the prophet’s feet!

Today, we don’t need ravens, we can be fed by the Bible which can give us all the spiritual food we need. Nor will it be the same food ever day as it probably was for Elijah. The diet we receive from the Bible is wonderful and varied. It will provide a banquet for our souls.