Bold in Prayer

When you visit a friend how do you knock on the door? Is it a gentle tap or so soft a ring of the bell that it might not even work? No, this is your friend you are visiting, you know you will have a welcome. You boldly knock or firmly ring the bell. They will be pleased to see you; they will welcome you in. It is the same with our Best Friend, He is our friend, He will welcome us. He loves us more than any other friend. We can approach God boldly in prayer.

In Luke 11 we read of the man waking his neighbour during the night, asking for provisions for a visitor, He asks with audicity because of his friendship. Because of his persistance the man will answer and give him what he asks. We read in Luke 11:9, ‘Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.’

God is pleased when we ask Him for help, happy to communicate with us. We are in a relationship, a friendship. May we approach the throne with boldness. We know He always answers pray, this has been proved to us in the past. We know His answer will be what is best for us.