He Became Man

As well as being divine, Jesus became human for our sake. That’s pretty tremendous! He suffered physically as we do. One day He became thirsty; the weather was hot and dusty. His disciples had gone into the village to buy food, so He was probably hungry as well. He sat down by the well because His feet were also aching and sore.

Knowing what we do of Jesus, it was no mistake that He sat at that particular well and at that time of day in that village. He had a divine appointment. On another occasion He was tired and weary. The chatter and bustle of twelve noisy men was more stressful than he wanted at that time. He needed to get away on His own. It wasn’t just a break from His companions that He needed but time to speak with His heavenly Father. He would have been missing heaven.

Why did Jesus suffer these earthly afflictions? Why was He hungry, thirsty and foot sore and at times brokenhearted. The one reason was that it was for our sake. The Trinity knows that it was so that we could be in heaven saved from our sins by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.