Autumn Leaves

‘As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22

At the beginning of the week the vibrant coloured leaves hung on the trees, looking stunning as they were back-lit by the weak autumn sun. By the next night after a strong wind, they were dancing on my lawn separated from their life-giving tree. The once stunning colours began to fade as they were wind-swept to and fro

We can be like these autumn leaves, beautiful while we are attached to our tree of life, God. Once we become detached we are disorientated by every shade of opinion and distraction that arises. Our faith, unlike the leaves, is not seasonal. Our God is a constant. He does not slumber or sleep. It is not necessary for us to be blown about by every passing wind. Looking at the characters in the Bible we see people that took their eyes off God and then floundered. The Israelites spent decades in the wilderness because they disobeyed God as their leader. Peter walked on the water until he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink.

It is just the same with us. Watching the church on zoom, when we could be at church, we are missing out on Christian fellowship, preferring to go to a football match instead of attending church, we will miss out on the blessing. Because of the change in the hour, we cut down our prayer time. Finding the Bible confusing because we don’t read it often enough. All reasons to become tossed about.

May we not become like autumn leaves.