Saved but stuck

We have been saved by Christ’s sacrifice, we have been forgiven our sin, but we can be stuck. It is as if we have entered the gates of heaven but haven’t taken a step inside to enjoy the wonders of that place.

I am reminded of the children of Israel who set out on an eleven day journey which took forty years. Why did this short journey take so long? Because the people didn’t listen to God. He was with them all the time in the pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, but they just weren’t paying attention. They were ignoring the voice of God. In fact the first generation of those who left Egypt never entered the Promised Land

We are on our own journey of up to one hundred years or so. We have our own pillar of fire and pillar of cloud to guide us. God is always with us day and night, but are we listening? Are we growing in our spiritual life or are we stuck?

It’s not as if we didn’t know God’s presence, we see Him all the time in nature, in His miracles and blessings towards us . On every day of our lives we could sit down and list out a hundred blessings, but we do need to listen. He is guiding and instructing us all the time. Our part is to listen and obey (my father’s favourite hymn was Trust and Obey) That is the only way we can grow and not be spiritually stuck..