‘No longer will they teach their neighbours, or say to one another ‘Know the Lord’ because they will know me.’ Hebrews 8:11
It is never easy telling others about God, at least I don’t fine it so. In my country there is a hesitancy in talking about spiritual matters. There is a feeling that ‘my faith is a personal thing,’ but that is not how God wants it to be. We are told in the Bible ‘Go into all the world teaching and baptising.’ Matthew 28.
As we have just read in Hebrews it would be great if we didn’t have to evangelise because everyone would know Him. Sadly this is not the case. Again, in my country God is being known less and less. He is seldom taught about in schools and not automatically talked about in families.
Our job of telling others about God is more and more important than ever, but we can’t just go out and shout about Him willy-nilly. We are yolked together with God; we need the help of the Holy Spirit. How can we possibly know the state of our listeners’ hearts? We do not know who has a fertile soul? Where is the stony ground and where it will be unprofitable to speak?