This is the start of another year and an opportunity for new beginnings. Do you remember when we approached the year 2000 with the hopes and aspirations we had then. We also feared that technology would fail and no computers would work when the year date had three zeros in it. None of these things happened. Sadly, I even think we have more global wars now than we did then.
More than ever we can pray the words of the carol ‘Oh hush your noise, you men of strife and hear the angels sing.’ Edmund Sears. The world is a noisier place than it used to be . Music, though not always recognizable as such, blares out from every shop we enter and many car stereo systems. Our ears are assailed at every point. It seems we can’t cope with silence. With more noise, we hear less.
This is quite a sad picture, but we don’t need to be overcome by it. We need to listen to the still, small voice of God and we can do so in our hearts, whatever is happening around us. On the whole He won’t shout at us (though sometimes we need it).We need to treasure our Quiet Time or that period when it is just God and us. How can we obey if we don’t hear and listen?
May we listen to the angels, give ourselves the opportunity to obey with Gideon and with Samuel may we say ‘Speak Lord, your servant hears.’