I remember the day quite well although I was only about five or six years old. I was just learning to read and was excited by all the words around me. There were words, and more words everywhere. To set the scene I was sitting in a cafe with my family in the countryside. It obviously wasn’t warm enough to sit outside, but the cafe door was open to let in some air. My family had just bought a car and I could feel the excitement of journeys out.
Every Saturday when my father wasn’t working, out we would go for a cafe visit for a cup of tea. Maybe I had juice. I was sitting at the table probably bored, having read the words ‘salt’, ‘pepper’ and ‘menu’. Suddenly I spied a new word.’ ‘Dad, what does ‘Tuo Yaw’ mean’ He was puzzled until he saw the cafe door was standing open and I was reading the words from the inside. When closed, the sign said ‘Way Out.’
I’m sure we do this with God. We read His signs back to front. We look into a future we cannot see. God sees the future from the other side. We see the past that is gone and done. He sees it as relevant to now and the future. As Paul says, ‘Now we see through a glass darkly but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part but then I shall know fully, even as I am known.’ 1 Corinthians 13:12. No wonder we worry and are anxious We don’t see the whole picture. On this earth we can never see things as God sees them. . Though we don’t fully see, we can trust. in Him who sees it all.