We don’t need to go to the library or a bookshop to read thrilling stories. The most stunning stories and ones true to life are found in the Bible. I turned to 2 Kings 5 again and read of Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great and highly regarded soldier but his situation was summed up in three words ‘he had leprosy.’ The story then switches to a young girl captured from Israel who was a servant of Naaman’s wife. She had the boldness to speak ‘If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria, he would cure him of his leprosy.’
When Naaman heard this he went to the king of Aram and requested a letter from his king to the king of Israel. At this stage I’m reminded of the three wise men going to Herod when they were seeking for Jesus. They and Naaman had got it wrong. We’re told that the king of Israel tore his robes, he couldn’t cure leprosy! Was the king of Aram trying to pick a fight? When Elisha heard the story he requested the leper to come to him.
Naaman arrived full of pomp and circumstance, after all he was an important man. ‘Go, wash yourself seven times in the jordan and you will be healed’ This wouldn’t do, he had better rivers in his own city of Damascus. The servant of Naaman enters the story saying if you had been asked to do a great thing you would have done it. He did listen, went to the Jordan, dipped himself in it seven times and was cleansed. End of story? Not a bit of it.
Naaman wanted to give Elisha gifts but the man of God would have none of it, the praise went to God alone. So the man and his gifts commenced the journey home. After the cleansed man had travelled some distance, he was followed by Gehazi, Elisha’s servant saying Elisha had changed his mind and would accept some of the gifts. On getting back home, Elisha challenged Gehazi about his greed and as punishment, the leprosy was passed on to Gehazi
I must declare that I believe the Bible is the sacred word of God and it is all true, but whatever one believes, it must be confessed that there are many lessons to be learned in this tale – pride, obedience to God’s commands, greed and punishment.