
Just imagine what fear and alarm there would be if there was a threat to replace the President of the United States or the Prime Minister in my country. Sadly we have seen this in many African countries and around the world. These threats have caused coups, uprisings and much loss of life. It was the same in Herod’s day when the Magi were seeking for Jesus.

Herod’s power was tenuous, he didn’t need anyone to threaten his position.Then along came the magi from a foreign country far away, seeking a new king. Who was this so-called king, what danger was he to Herod’s power, was his whole position in jeopardy? Having discovered a few facts, he decided that infanticide was the only answer. Killing all the baby boys under the age of two would surely solve the problem.He had no regard for the terrible heartbreak he was causing, he had to be secure in his position, but had he been successful? For the rest of his days he would never be sure if he were safe. Every little disturbance or uprising would cause him to ask, is this it? Is this the end?

It is said ‘uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,’ no head would have been more uneasy than Herod’s.