
As children of God we are called to obedience. In our hearts we wish to be obedient because we know His will for our lives is for the best. As an all-seeing, all-knowing God we know He has the capacity to ‘wish good for us and not ill’ We want to obey but that can be as far a we get.

I remember at the age of six, my aunt saying’ After school, I’ll meet you at the corner of the field near the letter-box and we will go black-berrying.’ I didn’t listen properly and waited at the wrong place. Only as an adult do i now realise how frantic she must have been. I was missing, was I safe?

Decades later I don’t think I’ve learned to listen properly. God’s guidance and instructions are all around me. Guidance in the Bible, through church sermons pointing the correct way and by the leading of the Holy Spirit. But so often i don’t stop to listen. What pitfalls I could avoid, what wrong turnings would I miss by just listening to His voice.

Lord, give me Samuel’s ear and David’s yearnings. Stop, look and listen are not just traffic instructions, but lessons for life. May I stop and wait patiently for the Lord, my I look to the places of guidance and may I listen to God’s leading.