Our Every Provision

What do we trust? In out modern society we often forget that all we have ultimately comes from God. We’ve all heard about the young lad who thought milk came from cartons or bottles and was amazed to see a cow being milked. Even if today we are using milk substitutes, the ingredients will still come from God. Our food is all grown somewhere in the world. Again any substitutes come from God-provided substitutes

What about the air we breathe? It’s all provided by God As we take each breathe we don’t think about it. Only when the air-quality is poor caused by pollution or adverse weather conditions do we give it a thought. Mars and the moon have different atmospheres, but they are still provided by God. When harvest festivals were more popular it was a reminder of where our food came from. ‘We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand.’ Matthias Claudius.

Our provisions are not from super-markets, our wealth is not from banks (where thieves break through and steal). We can’t rely on ourselves, we are weak and fallible. ‘Our help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.’ Ps 121:2
