Church Mission Statement

I would like to share with you our church mission statement.

A family that strives to be

Whole-hearted for God

Open-hearted for each other

Broken-hearted for the world.

We want to be whole-hearted for God, whatever it may cost and we know it will cost. Jesus told us that. We want to be all for Him when the going gets tough, when we are persecuted and the world doesn’t understand us or hates us because of what we believe and the stand we make. May we not be like the Laodiceans, neither hot or cold. We want to give this Christian life all we’ve got.

We want to be open-hearted for each other, trusting each other, being there for each other. Again it can be costly. Being there when we are needed by others, it will sometimes be inconvenient, time costly, money costly. But the other members of the congregation are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We want to be broken-hearted for the world. Our world is in a terrible mess; we realise this whatever our situation or country of origin. It would be depressing to even list the world problems. May the Holy Spirit lead us to help where we can.