
‘Behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time for singing has come.’ Song of Solomon. 2:11-12

I don’t like February, yet we have this month each year. It is fortunate for me that it is the shortest one and now this year it is nearly over. But that feeling is wrong because it is the month when the plants and seeds are resting in the ground. The spring flowers are nearly ready to show their heads. Snowdrops are popping up everywhere. In my own small garden I have just four snowdrops in bloom, but when they are ready I’ll divide them and there will be more next year. Their delicate white heads are a real harbinger of spring.

Daffodils are appearing in the garden and parks and wayside verges. Last week I saw my first crocuses for this year. It is a time to be patient. I’ve filled my garden pots with winter pansies and primroses and only cover them with bubble wrap if the temperature gets below freezing.

The days are becoming longer and the hours of darkness are less. Each day there is something fresh to see. This is a time of anticipation and expectation. New hopes, new adventures, and new excitements. I must get to love the month of February. God has all the months in His master plan.