We don’t see anything as God does, our minds are too finite. We don’t see people as God does, we are too judgmental. How often do we write people off without knowing all the facts about their lives. Someone we think of as unimportant could be the very best person for the job. There is a good example of this in the 16th chapter of 1 Samuel.
Samuel has the job of anointing a new king of Israel because King Saul has fallen from grace in Gods eyes. This is an extremely important and difficult task as Samuel doesn’t know who God has chosen.
Off he goes to the household of Jessie, the Benjaminite. Jessie has eight sons, all strapping young lads and in Samuel’s eyes, all eminently suitable to be the next king. When he sees the eldest, Eliab, he thinks he has found the man, but he is not God’s chosen one. Nor were the next six. God had chosen David, the youngest. I love it when I read that when David had been anointed, ‘the spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.’ verse 3.
From this I learn that even I, or you can be used by God. As the saying goes, ‘God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.’ From this we learn that God doesn’t judge as we do. We are not in a position to judge when we don’t know the full story of someone’s life. We will never know their soul’s longings. It is up to us to try to love them as God does.