That One Book

Genres of reading vary during the decades. Looking at the shelves of bookshops today I see a very large selection of ‘How To’, books which were not around in my younger days. ‘How to Make the Most of Yourself,’ ‘How to Achieve Anything you Want.’ We now teach our children that they can achieve anything, so long as they try hard enough. There will be great disappointment in this attitude. It’s not true. We all have a ceiling of capability and we can’t exceed that however hard we try. .

I would suggest that to learn how to live well we only need one book, although it’s actually 66 books, all bound together. We have many brilliant writers in the world producing excellent books but they are all limited. The thought is that by reading as many as possible we can pull ourselves up ‘by our own shoe laces.’ Have you ever tried it, it’s impossible. To pull ourselves up we need some external help. There is Someone who can help us. because He is so much higher than we are and He can pull us up to Himself.

This book, the Bible, is full of wisdom, look at the Proverb, full of help and comfort, see the Gospels and the epistles letters and the book that indicates a final success (Revelation) The Bible is so much more, our limited space can’t explain it all. The author of the Bible can see everything from every point of view. So save your money and buy and read the Book of Holy Scriptures today, let it be your guide.