
‘To obey is better than sacrifice and to heed than the fat of rams.’ 1 Samuel 15:22

.’Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.’ 1 John 5:3

We are probably more willing to praise and thank God than obey Him. Singing praises to Him and shouting ‘Hallelujah’ is easier than doing what He wants us to do. Every time we read the Bible we are challenged. As we hear the Holy Spirit there is an instruction for us to follow, an action that needs to be done. Our excuses are endless, ‘We’re too busy,’ ‘we don’t have the ability,’ ‘someone else is more capable than us.’ Or probably the best excuse, ‘I think I misunderstood You, Lord. You can’t possibly mean me.’

A good Biblical example of this is found in Jonah. The message seems pretty clear and unambiguous, ‘Go to the great city of Ninevah and preach against it’. Jonah 1:1. For Jonah fleeing to Tarshish was better than obedience. We can never flee from God . Jonah should have read Psalm 139. ‘Where can I go from Your spirit?’ verse 1. ‘If I go to the heavens, You are there.’ verse 8. ‘If I rise on the wings of the dawn ……….. even there Your hand will guide me.’ verses 9 & 10

Disobedience will not place us in a whale’s belly but it will rid us of our peace, it will limit the work of God.

The Older Ones

The woman had been caught in adultery, the punishment was death by stoning. Old Testament law stated that both the man and the woman were to be punished, so the Pharisees were wrong straight away. But we know they cared nothing about the wrong-doers, they were only looking for a way to trap Jesus.

This was supposed to present Jesus with a problem, should He uphold the Law or give permission for a woman to be killed. We can imagine the self-righteous rubbing their hands in glee, ‘We’ve caught Him out this time.’ Then Jesus leads them on, as He almost ignores them. ‘Oh, He doesn’t know what to say.’ Then He slowly stands up and fixes them with a penetrating stare. Yes of course, she must be stoned, then ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Again Jesus has the upper hand. The accusers began to creep away, and I like this bit, ‘beginning with the older ones.’ The younger men brazoned it out for a while, until they couldn’t pretend they were sinless.

It is said the faults we see in others are the ones we’re guilty of. Oops, does that mean I’m lazy, selfish and impatient? Probably. I don’t think I’m in any position to cast stones.

In the Boat

If you’re like me you have problems every day, mostly small and insignificant but frustrated plans and upsets all the time. They are small things that go wrong. but with God’s help easily sorted. But that’s the point, He doesn’t say ‘This is Saturday, I’ll take a day off’ or ‘It’s Tuesday, I won’t be needed today.’ Every day He is with us.

In this Biblical story when Jesus was in the boat with His disciples a typical storm blows up. The disciples should have been used to these storms, they were quite frequent. Jesus was in the boat. Although He was resting they should have known were safe.

We never need to face our storms alone, for how can our finite minds cope with the storms of life? When we look at our problems we only see our part of the difficulty. We can ‘t see the whole picture ourselves. Only God knows the overall situation, we don’t have to figure it our ourselves.. God is only a prayer away. 24/7 He is with us, guiding, protecting, counselling, even when we forget to ask for His guidance. I sometimes have to say to Him ‘Thank You for the answer to the prayer i didn’t even get round to asking.’ Whether we are awake or asleep, He will help. God is with us in the boat.


Dreams in the Bible were very significant. Even today in closed countries, men and women see Jesus in their dreams and seek to know more about Him, in spite of the danger. My dreams are just rubbishy with no significance. Maybe that’s because I don’t need them. God can speak to me through the Bible (I have quite a few different versions), through my Christian friends and my prayer time.

In Genesis 41, Pharaoh was being troubled by his dreams and after speaking with his once-imprisoned cup-bearer, he sent for Joseph, an interpreter of dreams. Under God’s revelation he was able to declare there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. By collecting and storing a fifth of the produce during the good years, they would be able to survive the famine years.

Many of us now are in our plentiful years, but we need to be prepared for the lean years which can come at any time, like bereavement, loss of health or ability or lack of money. We can do this by building up our spiritual life while we can. Time spent with God is an investment for eternity. By speaking with Him now we will recognise Him more. By regular church connections we will learn much from the sermons and fellowship with other Christians and be able to pray for each other in our times of need. Now is the time to ‘fill our barns’ that we may lay up treasure in heaven.


Last week I had the opportunity to zoom with a group of writers that I only make contact with twice a year. During the meeting I learned that many of my friends were going through difficult tims, bereavements, marriage breakdowns, family illness and so on. The list seemed quite long. I was then able to make a list of action. There were those I could phone, text or email and one I could even visit. I was able to be in the position of encouragement.

In the past I have been encouraged by the prayers and contacts of others. When I’ve been in danger or trouble, the messages I’ve received have uplifted me. Now it is my turn. Of course, I pray for them, for there is nothing better but people also need to know that they are being remembered.

I recall that many years ago I had a long period of illness and was not able to attend church for many months. During that time I received no encouragement or contact with my church. When I was fit enough to return, I was told ‘We’ve been praying for you.’ But I didn’t know that, I had felt rejected.

We know that prayers do make a difference but we also need to let people know they are remembered. So when we get a heavenly nudge we must let people know they are being prayed for.

Autumn Leaves

‘As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22

At the beginning of the week the vibrant coloured leaves hung on the trees, looking stunning as they were back-lit by the weak autumn sun. By the next night after a strong wind, they were dancing on my lawn separated from their life-giving tree. The once stunning colours began to fade as they were wind-swept to and fro

We can be like these autumn leaves, beautiful while we are attached to our tree of life, God. Once we become detached we are disorientated by every shade of opinion and distraction that arises. Our faith, unlike the leaves, is not seasonal. Our God is a constant. He does not slumber or sleep. It is not necessary for us to be blown about by every passing wind. Looking at the characters in the Bible we see people that took their eyes off God and then floundered. The Israelites spent decades in the wilderness because they disobeyed God as their leader. Peter walked on the water until he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink.

It is just the same with us. Watching the church on zoom, when we could be at church, we are missing out on Christian fellowship, preferring to go to a football match instead of attending church, we will miss out on the blessing. Because of the change in the hour, we cut down our prayer time. Finding the Bible confusing because we don’t read it often enough. All reasons to become tossed about.

May we not become like autumn leaves.


Forty years is a long time in anyone’s life. That was how long the Israelites had to further wander in the wilderness as punishment for their disobedience. ‘For forty years, one for each year of the forty days you explored the land, you will suffer for your sins and know what its like to have Me against you.’ Numbers 14:2

How awful to have God as an enemy, that is what sin does, separates us from God. God had performed so many miracles for the Israelites – escaping Egypt, crossing the Red Sea, provision of manna and then quails, but that was not enough. Rejecting the Promised Land was the final straw. They would never enter the land, they would grow old and die still wandering in the desert. It was an almost complete breakdown of of a once great nation.

Do we sometimes forget God’s great power and the many blessings He has given us? Have we lost the ‘fear of the Lord.’

In Pain

My friend in England has a boy friend in Germany, so visits there frequently. She is gradually learning to speak German but occasionally has a lapse when she can’t think of the right word in time. I often have a laugh as she describes her mistakes.

One day she went into a second-hand German bookshop. She found a book she really wanted to buy but because of its very poor condition she felt the asking price was too high. In her haste and stuck for the right word, she came out with the words ‘This book is in pain!’

It made me think of our world which is in pain. Viewing it, God is in pain also. The Bible puts it like this ‘We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in pains of childbirth up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, groan as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.’ Romans 8:22

Thigs are not right, we have turned away from God as we try to run our own lives. God’s way is the best way, the only way. All we can do is keep our eyes on Him and not on the troubles of the world. Nor are we asked to take on these enormous problem ourselves. By keeping close to Him we will be able to do what is His will for us.

Secret Weapon

”We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.’ Number 13:30

The twelve spies had just returned from exploring the Promised Land. Ten of the men magnified the problems and minimised the resources.Yet on their shoulders they bore the evidence of the richness of the land. But their hearts were consumed by fear; the people looked like giants and unbeatable.

The men had clear instructions from Moses; were the people strong or weak, the land good or bad, fertile or poor. But ten men forgot their secret weapon – God.

In our day and age, things look bad for the world, war in strategic places, no clear indication as to who is friend or enemy. The results of the election in the United States can have implications round the world. We have our own family problems and illnesses. The rejection of Christianity in various parts of the world is distressing. We could go on and on.

But what about our secret weapon? We have a God who notes the death of a sparrow and also has control of every nation. He can ease our pains and problems. May we not be like the Israelites , who messed up big time. Our God is supreme and knows the way we should take.

Childish or Childlike

‘I tell you unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.’ Matthew 18:3

I was never too clear as to what this verse meant but having heard a marvelous sermon on Sunday it is so much clearer. Some of our youngsters remained in the service, so it was explained at their level (and at mine too, it seems.) The children were asked ‘Did you drive your family to church this morning?’ Obviously not. Again ‘Do you do your family shop?’ Again, no, though they may assist in a small way. Then it was pointed out that they needed to rely on adults. They were only children.

Turning to the adults, ‘Can you run your lives without the help of God?’ The answer has to be no. We need to rely on God, just as children reply on adults. We need to be childlike and not childish. My hastily written notes during the sermon read, ‘Children rely on adults, they can’t do a thing alone. We need to rely on God. Trust. What am I relying on?’

I trust I have been able to make this as clear to you as it was to me.