They Stopped Looking

Every year I think about the wise men who visited Jesus. It is thought they came from different countries but travelled together to follow a significant star and find the one who had been born king of the Jews. They had already travelled hundreds of miles following the star and then something went wrong. They didn’t know where to go next.

Did they stop looking at the star for guidance; it wasn’t switched off, it was still there. Why didn’t they continue looking upwards and continue being led. Their decision to visit Herod had tragic consequences, so many babies killed, so many parents grieving. When we stop looking to God, the results won’t be drastic but we will miss out on His blessings.

Smothered in Darkness

As we have thoughts about the ‘light of the world’ coming into our lives, we cannot help but be aware of the darkness that is also in the world. The media gives us news of hunger, murders, killings in war and natural disasters. Even in my small life I’ve experienced death, heart attacks and family discord during the last couple of months. While we rejoice in the light , a tiny percentage of the world rejoices in darkness.

Have we been personally saddened in this season, have our hearts been weighted down by seemingly unanswered prayer? At least our hearts haven’t had to wait 400 years for an answer as the Israelites did. God, our maker is the master of darkness and light. We can’t always understand, why should darkness seem to prosper and why do we have to wait for answers to our prayers.? One day all will be revealed. Our job now is to ‘wait and pray’, to have faith and trust and as we read in Deuteronomy 32:4 ‘His word is perfect and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong. Upright and just is He.’

Christmas Day – Light in the Darkness.

The theme of light has pursued me this Christmas, right up to Christmas Eve. As I’ve recorded before, so many of my reflections and studies this season have been reflecting on light, the ‘light of the world.’ Like many people my past year has had darkness in it. I’ve spent more time than usual being unwell, I’ve had a house move which has meant loosening the ties of my old friends and forming new relationships. I have known bereavements and heartaches, though I readily admit my sadnesses are slight compared to many.

The light theme was re-enforced when i went to a Carol Service on Christmas Eve which was entitled ‘Light in the Darkness.’ The service started in almost complete dark and then as each carol was sung, or reading read, the light was slowly increased. Now we have turned the corner, Christ has come into the world as a baby, then a preacher and finally as a Saviour to save us from our sins and lead us to the eternal light which can never be extinguished.

We will continue to have dark paths during 2024 but we won’t be walking the pathway alone, Christ goes before illuminating the way.

King of Kings

Here in the UK we are used to the idea of having a monarchy. I was born during the beginning of the reign of a king and after about 15 years on his death, he was replaced by his eldest daughter. After more than seventy years, she died and again we had a king, her eldest son. Most people, though not all, are in favour of a monarch but here they have little power to run the country. Recently all our kings and queens have been good people.

Unfortunately that hasn’t been true in many countries in the world. Some kings have been dictators and ruled their people with a rod of iron. To have such a king must make it difficult to imagine the King of Kings being the Saviour of the world. Revelation 17:14 tells us that our God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and with Him will be His called, close and faithful followers. He is to be worshiped and adored, not rejected and feared.

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A Tough Christmas

As we approach this Christmas season it is likely that things are not going well with us. We are probably struggling financially and we aren’t able afford the presents and trappings that we feel would make our Christmas better. Some of us are dreading the empty chair that will be at our festivities. Maybe the family and friends we still have are not compatible and we are expecting tensions.

That first Christmas wasn’t a bundle of laughs for Mary and Joseph either. Being heavily pregnant and expecting a long ride wasn’t going to be pleasant for Mary. Mary and Joseph were parted from family and friends who had come to accept their illegal situation. Strangers wouldn’t be so tolerant. The long trip to Bethlehem would incur financial strain to the couple as Joseph would be away from his workshop.You could say Jesus came down to earth with a bump, all because of His love for us.

Tears are Prayers

I pray that I may never lose the ability to cry. It isn’t that I want gushing crocodile tears but just ones that are described as ‘a tear in my eye.’ We hear of sad tragic stories, we read of the horrors of war and on our own doorsteps we notice little human sadnesses. These tales tug at our heart-strings.Our minds contract and a pricking is felt behind the eye.

We pray that we may always be moved to compassion, there is no shortages of troubles in this world. In many cases there is nothing or little we can do. Often we are not even sure how to pray.We read Psalm 56 that our prayers are so precious to Him that He puts them in a bottle.

We have a good example in Jesus, when we read that He wept. His heart was moved with compassion when He was here on this earth. What a privilege it is for us also to weep. In our tears we know that we are no alone. We weep for the world; Christ weeps for the world. Our sorrows are His sorrows. With the hymn-writer we can say, ‘could our tears for ever flow,’ for ourselves and for the world.Jesus didn’t just weep, He came and redeemed.

My Garden

Any lack of gardening knowledge on my part is made up by my enthusiasm. Now I’ve moved from my large garden with the four lawns to a bungalow with only one small lawn. I find that round the edge of the lawn is ‘planted’ a border of small stones which go down to a depth of six inches and completely cover any soil. Obviously the previous owner was too old to cope with any gardening but has left me with a problem.

With help I’ve cleared a border of about two yards and have planted nearly 100 daffodil bulbs. We’ve also scattered poppy and forget-me-not seeds. I’ve planted a few of my raspberries bushes and a small white rose bush. As well as my very weedy lawn I’ve inherited a hydrangea bush and a small red fuchsia. The birds don’t yet recognise my bird table, but I will be patient. I long for next spring when I hope to encourage butterflies and bees. I want my dead and ‘foodless’ garden to come alive.

New Beginnings

I’m so grateful that ‘new every morning is God’s love.’ I go to bed realising that I’ve mucked up once again. I’ve not kept the resolutions I made the day before. I’ve done all the things I vowed not to do – lost my temper, been selfish, gone my own way and not the Lord’s. The list could go on and on, failure and defeat.

When I wake each morning I recall my failings of the previous day. As I make my new resolutions I know I won’t keep them. I could despair until I recognise that once again I’m acting under my own strength and once again that doesn’t work. Fortunately God has a short memory and doesn’t keep a record of all my past sins. He doesn’t remember that I’ve failed again and again and God gives me another chance each time. Once again He gives me that chance to follow Him more closely day by day. The dawning of the new morning will give me the opportunity to love Him more dearly. And He doesn’t leave me to struggle on my own, He sends the Holy Spirit to help me.

Light of the World

Every Christmas I find that for me a particular theme occurs, different every year. In the past it has been the ‘kings’ or the ‘shepherds’. Last year I found there were many references to stars or the ‘Star’.This year everything I read or listen to seems to include ‘light’ and God as the ‘light of the world.’

I know it’s not possible for the days to be darker this year, though they seem so be, but the days are still getting shorter for a week or so. With so many conflicts round the world, Israel, Ukraine and others, darkness is trying to get a grip. But we are reminded in Revelation ‘the city has no sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light and it’s light is the Lamb.’

‘Sent out Your light and Your truth, let them guide me, Psalms 43:3 and ‘The Lord will be your everlasting light,’ Isaiah 60:20. And again in that chapter ‘Arise, shine, for Your light is come’ verse 1. May we absorb and reflect that Light this Christmas.


This Thursday is possibly about the time that we realise we are not as advanced with our Christmas preparation as we should be. Baking, card-posting, letter writing, church activities, house decorations, all are not as far ahead as we had hoped. But wait, important as those things are, they are not as important as preparing our hearts. Are we busy getting our souls ready for our Christmas?

We are busy getting ready for our Christmas, all the shops are full and funds are getting low.

There is just so much to do, have we time for what is true? We have still to buy the nuts and mistletoe.

But are we ready for the Baby in the manger? Are we ready for the One who can save souls?

He is coming, do not doubt, with an angel song and shout, Are you ready for the coming King of Kings?