
We sing and hear them every Advent and Christmas. It is likely that we know most of the words off by heart. Some years they are jazzed up, other years they are slowed down but they remain loved by millions. Our nation even runs competitions to determine the country’s most popular. But familiarity should never blind us to the words we are hearing or singing.

One of my favourite carols includes the words ‘But man shall live for evermore because of Christmas Day.’ What a great sentiment, man has the choice, as he has the invitation to live for evermore in the presence of God. In the midst of today’s trouble and turmoil, this is a comforting thought. This is something to look forward to, there is light at the end of the tunnel. This was why Jesus came, to give us life and salvation. In the words of a popular parlance ‘Should we choose to accept it.’

Defying Aging

I was staggered the other day when I read how much my country each year spends on beauty products and procedures, all to try to defy aging. Some countries revere the old, we try to ignore it. We seem to have a fear of death and dying, though we know it is unavoidable. As I know from experience becoming older can bring pain, illness and suffering, but that can happen at any age.

I find it is actually a privilege to be in my eighties, I have many friends who have not reached this age. God obviously has more work for me to do; I just hope I don’t miss out on the instructions!


As we approach the Christmas season with all it’s excitement and celebration we think of those for whom Christmas will be a sad time. Those who are alone with no family or probably worse those who are estranged from the family they have. We think and pray for those who are refugees who are far away from family and country.. Many refugees don’t know where they will be sent. We think of those sleeping on cold pavements or in leaky tents. When the shops are shut they can’t get a few pence to spend on a hot coffee.

We can’t help all those who need our help; there is more need than we can ever cope with, but we have a God who sees and cares. Although we can’t help everyone, maybe there are just one or two who can receive our hospitality and love. In many cases a smile and a kind word will lift someone’s spirit. We will never know how far these small gestures will go. We have a loving Saviour, may we show His love.

Outward Appearances

I enjoy reading the story of God choosing David to be king of the Israelites instead of his older brothers. Any one of them looked the part to be the leader but God could see into their hearts Their characters were revealed when they admonished David for being at the battle scene and then slaying the mighty Goliath.They only considered him to be their young brother. I wonder if they were jealous when David emerged as the victor.

Do we judge by outward appearances? Do we bother about the colour of people’s skin, their untidy hair or bent backs? I have the blessing of having very good hearing and often hear people make comments about me when they think I am out of their hearing. Sometimes it is a good comment and I am happy; at other times it is not so complimentary and I take note and correct my ways where possible. But in all of this they don’t know my inner self, only God knows that.

The Key

‘God holds the key to all unknown and I am glad.

If other hands should hold the key, or if he trusted it to me might be sad.’

John Parker

Our future is in safe hands. God knows and controls what is to become of us. By looking to Him we will be kept safe. Without the help of the Holy Spirit we might be tempted to give the key of our lives to another – to money, to popularity, to possessions. We need our futures to be unlocked by God. He alone can keep our souls safe. More than that, Jesus Himself is the key. He has given Himself for our safety.

Not On My Own

I was struggling to cope although my troubles were small compared to those of many people. The worries were becoming too much for me and my aging body was failing to cope. I tried to sort out each problem before they became too much for me and I became ill with the stress.

But I wasn’t meant to cope alone. I have a loving Father who is waiting for me to cast my burdens on Him. I have the Holy Spirit who will protect and guide me. What is it about we humans who think we have to cope alone? Why are we so arrogant? There is no way we can successfully manage, we are foolish to try. The Bible is full of people who were guided by God. Our circumstances are different, that was another era but God doesn’t change.

‘He leads me beside the still waters, He refreshes my soul, He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.’ Psalm 23:2-3


I’m not sure that praise comes naturally to us, though it should be an integral part of our being. We have so very much to praise and thank God for. Even in the worst of circumstances there is a great deal to sing praises for. Instead, we have a tendency to moan about things we can’t change; especially about things we can’t change.

We only have to read the psalms to find praise bubbling up from David and others. They worship through the natural world, through others and through the presence of God. The New Testament asks us to pray without ceasing. When we stop to think about it, our lives should overflow with gratitude. There are the blessings we have here on earth and also the blessings from the life to come. ‘Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of God for ever.’ Psalm 23:6


I am one of the many people who struggle with technology as I was born at a time before we had computers and smart phones. When there is an alternative I avoid using the computer. Many times with my mobile phone I get to screaming point. I’m told that things change so rapidly that even experts sometimes struggle, so what chance do I stand. God as the creator knows all about technology, He invented it; He’s just waiting for us to catch up.

But like everything there is also a good side to it. Without computers I wouldn’t be able to send my small meditations round the world. There is no other way I could easily contact Singapore and Spain, America and Armenia. This is a privilege to share my thoughts with in Great Britain or Russia. May we use this form of evangelism to share the good news round the world.

Letter Writing

Is letter writing going out of fashion these days? Texts and emails are quicker forms of communication, but not so durable as they tend to get lost somewhere on the phone. I suppose even love letters are sent by text these days! Fortunately I have a stash of love letters tied up with a pink ribbon and fading at the edges. I still have the last and only letter which my mother wrote to me shortly before she died.

History has thrown up letters of importance. Henry VIII wrote letters to Anne Boleyn while still married to his previous wife. Martin Luther King wrote many important letters from prison. Probably most poignant have been the letters written from the trenches, which were kept and treasured for many years, especially if they were a final communication.

Today we probably only receive the letters which accompany Christmas cards. It is exciting to realise that a friend or relative has taken the time to sit down and keep us up to date with their news. With a physical letter we can take it out and read it again and again.

As a writer I write a letter each day to God. I find it easier to express my feelings and thoughts by actually putting them down on paper. Being Christians the greatest letters we have are in the Bible. We can read them and study them every day. At each prayerful reading we will receive more wisdom, guidance, comfort and love. As it says in the psalms ‘Thy word in light to my feet.’

When to Witness

I’ve just started to become friendly with a new neighbour, Audrey, that I’ve begun to meet on the bus. Taking the conversation very slowly I had been able to tell her I was a Christian. She had been to Sunday School when she was a child but had fallen out with church. I noticed that when she spoke to others on the bus, she spoke roughly to them but became respectful when speaking to me.

I had hoped to meet her on future occasions and gradually speak to her more about my Lord. Then I learned that she had moved away and i wouldn’t be seeing her anymore. I felt guilty that I hadn’t spoken more firmly about my faith but realised that it was friendship evangelism I had been working on, though obviously not with Audrey. Then I looked at the matter logically.

I would not have been the only link in the chain of her learning more about You. I was probably just the smallest one in a list of many. Then, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict. Everything I said or left unsaid was of no consequence. As I had always prayed about the matter I knew God had directed me and I could safely leave the matter with Him.I do miss Audrey.