Put God First

This sounds so easy and it is my intention to always give God my priority. As some of my regular readers will know I’ve just moved house and the list of extremely urgent jobs was growing. I was advised that I couldn’t do everything at once but the jobs that had to be done immediately were definitely more than the hours in the day. My time with God was being squeezed out. The doctor said i was suffering from stress as every part of my body was in pain.

Then I stopped emotionally, physically and mentally. I made opportunity to spend time with God first thing every morning.; it was a non-negotiable priority. In a miraculous way I got through my jobs quicker and more efficiently. My to-do list became shorter and I was less stressed. I pray that as things get easier, I will continue to keep God at the top of my list of tasks. May I enjoy my time listening and speaking to my Friend and Creator.

12 Baskets

We are so familiar with the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand that we can sometimes overlook the wonder of it all. Imagine 5,000 people in our local football stadium, all tired, weary and hungry. I am surprised that only one young lad had his lunch with him. Imagine the pride of his mother when she realised that her humble lunch was so wonderfully used by our Lord.

I was also interested in the twelve baskets of remnants of food. These represented one basket for each disciple . I wonder what they did with theirs. Did they eat some of the food, or leave it out for the lepers, or distribute it to the needy in the nearby villages?

We have all been given a basket. It is wrong to say we have no talents, God has given something to each one of us. What are we doing with ours. Do we hoard them and selfishly keep them to ourselves? Or do we share them with others? We need to give account of our talents.


I love the way that so often children don’t notice differences. They don’t seem to be influenced by the colour of their friend’s skin. They fully accept a child in a wheelchair or one who runs with a limp. When I watch them playing in the street or at church each child appears to be included in the activities.

But I’m not starry eyed; this happy situation is not always the case. In a playground I sometimes see a child who is excluded. Children form into groups where some of the youngsters are not welcome. These groups can sometimes become gangs in later life where to be part of the group the child has to conform. I wonder how much of their behaviour learn from the adults.

Sadly my mind goes back to my childhood to when I was about 9 or 10. My group was being unkind to one little girl. I wasn’t the leader but I took a verbal part. Now many years later I say sorry to God, I can’t say the kind words to that little girl who I now imagine is a mature woman. I can only pray that she has gone on to have a happy fulfilled life. God has forgiven me but I still remember.


On the journey to the Promised Land, the Israelites were for ever moaning that there was no meat and bread that they had been used to in Egypt. So God answered their need; He sent manna from heaven. This is supposed to resemble coriander seed. It was not what they had been expecting, but it was probably better for them than the Egyptian food. As they were travelling the rich meats and strongly seasoned foods would not have been kind to their stomachs.

God answered the Israelites prayer His own way. Daily He supplied their needs, even arranging that they did not have to gather on the Sabbath, but that there would be double on the preceding day. This answer was not what they were expecting but it was God’s answer to their prayers.

How often we find the same. The answers that God gives us to our prayers are completely different to what we think will happen. Sometimes we gasp, ‘Why didn’t I think of that? But then were’re not God. God has complete oversight and control of everything. He knows the problems from every point of view. Out all-seeing God knows what is best for us.

Writing to God.

Having been rather busy lately and overwhelmed with jobs reminded me of a time a while ago when I was suffering from stres, which gave me several painful symptoms. My O.T. came to visit and she came up with various coping regimes. One was that i could write down my thoughts on paper. Music to my ears; I’m a writer and a Christian so I told her that every day I write my prayers to God.

I didn’t even think about what I’d said or realise that I was witnessing. It all seemed so natural. She seemed interested and asked if I kept my notebooks and looked back on what I’d written. I said no I didn’t back, I was always looking forward. Later I wondered why I didn’t tick off answered prayers. I know that God always answers prayer but that often the answer is wait. I don’t want to go along ticking off my prayers. I know they are in safe hands. My loving God will answer as He sees fit and meanwhile I will continue writing to Him.

Blessed are the Peacemakers.

I wonder what a peacemaker looks like. I don’t think Jesus was referring to the politicians. I believe it is a job for individuals. Nor is it likely to be a passive role. Peacemakers need to be seen to be active. Is it easier to be a peacemaker these days than it was in the time of Jesus? Could it considered to be a role for weak people?

Peacemakers need to be seen. They will not always be popular; some people thrive on diversity and conflict. Peacemakers are considered to ‘pour oil on troubled waters.’ They need to speak out against injustice and to make their opinions heard. There will seldom be indications that our peaceful roles will be brought into play. Often there will be little warning. A situation will suddenly arise and we will need to be ready.

So Jesus said that the peacemakers would be called the children of God. Again, what will that look?


What a judgement on us all that there is so much hunger and poverty in this world. I can’t quote figures as they vary (but each figure is a beloved person) but so many people die of starvation with large numbers of these being children as they have less resistance to infection. Besides facing persecution churches are also suffering from malnutrition and lack of food. I can hardly bear to type these words as it seems to dreadful.

Now hunger and poverty is hitting our own country, even working families are having to use food banks. Schools are providing meals for needy families and supermarkets have boxes where we can place donations. I don’t understand politically how we have got in this situation.

Physical hunger and thirst aren’t out only need. Remember the woman at the well to whom Jesus said ‘I give you everlasting water so that you will never thirst again. Jesus also said as noted in John 6:35 ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.’

Hidden Acts of Kindness

How sensitive are we to the needs of others? A number of years ago I had a friend, Sally, who appeared very kind and helpful. As I got to know her better I discovered that her kind acts were to impress others. She was always sharing about the good things she had done No helping acts would ever go unnoticed and explained to anyone who would listen. These things would put her in a good light, not necessarily help the person involved.

At the same time I had a friend, Debra, who was quiet and retiring. I knew of the kind things she had done for me but it wasn’t until her funeral that other people shared what she had done for them. So many people had been helped by her in so many ways.

Reflecting about Sally and Debra made me think, do I help on the hospital chaplaincy team because I enjoy it or do I care about the visitors and patients? Is the time spent with the young people at church because I love them and their souls or is it because it is a pleasant way of spending Sunday mornings.? Furthermore, do I let people know what i do and seek recognition? Jesus gave us a cautionary reminder ‘they already have their reward.’ I would rather have crowns to cast at the feet of Jesus.

Through Christ

Some of the words in our modern worship songs are really powerful. The refrain of one we sang last Sunday keeps going through my head. ‘Yet not I but Christ in me.’ Pride is a worldwide problem, it has existed since the beginning of time. In fact right at the beginnin, the devil thought he was equal to God and as we know he was cast out of heaven with the fall of mankind following.

Pride still accounts for disasters today. It is pride that causes some of the world leaders to think they are better and more powerful than others and therefore feel they have the right to invade others countries.

It is not only world leaders, what about me, what about you? We so easily take full pride and credit for what we have achieved. Although we have gifts and talents, it is by being yoked with Christ that we achieve. As Jesus Himself said, ‘My yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ It is through Christ Himself that we achieve.


With the young children on Sunday we were talking about Abraham and the young Isaac and the trust they had to have in God . Abraham told Isaac that God would provide a sacrifice and his trust was rewarded. God did provide..

We did some trusting activities with the children and then we settled down to handicrafts. One of the tasks was to paint a small stone with the word TRUST. I took part in this and painted my stone accordingly. This is now placed outside my front door of my new home. My plan is that when anyone asks me about it I will ask them ‘What do you put your trust in? Because it has been raining solidly since Sunday no-one has yet come to my front door. I want to be able to tell people I put my trust in God but like the saints in the Bible I’m going to have to be patient. This witness business is not easy.