Tuo Yaw

I remember the day quite well although I was only about five or six years old. I was just learning to read and was excited by all the words around me. There were words, and more words everywhere. To set the scene I was sitting in a cafe with my family in the countryside. It obviously wasn’t warm enough to sit outside, but the cafe door was open to let in some air. My family had just bought a car and I could feel the excitement of journeys out.

Every Saturday when my father wasn’t working, out we would go for a cafe visit for a cup of tea. Maybe I had juice. I was sitting at the table probably bored, having read the words ‘salt’, ‘pepper’ and ‘menu’. Suddenly I spied a new word.’ ‘Dad, what does ‘Tuo Yaw’ mean’ He was puzzled until he saw the cafe door was standing open and I was reading the words from the inside. When closed, the sign said ‘Way Out.’

I’m sure we do this with God. We read His signs back to front. We look into a future we cannot see. God sees the future from the other side. We see the past that is gone and done. He sees it as relevant to now and the future. As Paul says, ‘Now we see through a glass darkly but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part but then I shall know fully, even as I am known.’ 1 Corinthians 13:12. No wonder we worry and are anxious We don’t see the whole picture. On this earth we can never see things as God sees them. . Though we don’t fully see, we can trust. in Him who sees it all.

The Watchful Sister

She was only young and insignificant but she had been tasked with the care of her baby brother. He was floating in a papyrus basket on the River Nile. His discovery could mean instant death. How was she feeling as he was discovered by the daughter of Pharaoh and her ladies? She didn’t panic but noticed how these ladies were intrigued by this little bundle of humanity.

Miriam was wise beyond her years. She knew that none of these aristocrats could cope with what at times would be a smelly, noisy baby boy. With God-given wisdom she revealed herself and asked if they would like a Hebrew woman to look after the baby. Was this Miriam’s mother’s idea or did she think of it herself. Either way it was a bit of a risk but the plan worked. It was certainly God’s plan.

That baby would grow up in Pharaoh’s palace and eventually lead the enslaved Hebrews to freedom and then towards the Promised Land. The baby was chosen to be one of the greatest leaders of the Israelite nation. It would have been so easy for this daughter to take the baby to her father, where he would be killed and that would have been the end of that, but nothing would stop God from His plans. And nothing will stop God’s pans for our lives either.

Pass It On

My friend, Alice, had a very infectious cold and was not able to join me on a particular Saturday when I went to an interesting inspiring meeting about a missionary society we both support. As I left the meeting I was buzzing and couldn’t wait to tell her abut it and share my exciting day. At the end of my phone call to her she said ‘Thank you so much for sharing your day with me. It’s made me feel a lot better.’

I later leaned that she had phoned another friend who was looking after her mother with dementia. The call Alice had made was a great encouragement to her own friend. The mother-caring-friend was encouraged and uplifted for a while from her very difficult situation.

We have many opportunities to share with others our good news and the Good News. By doing so we are sharing the love of God. Their lives could be blessed for an afternoon or for eternity. Sadly our Good News news is not always welcome to others. We need to ask God for opportunities to speak to others. I think of another friend whose life is crippled by anxiety and of another whose life is in the grip of drug addiction. The news of salvation is too good to keep to ourselves. We need to shout it from the rooftops and tell the whole world. Maybe, I could just start with my new neighbour. We ask God to prepare the hearts of our listeners.


This is the start of another year and an opportunity for new beginnings. Do you remember when we approached the year 2000 with the hopes and aspirations we had then. We also feared that technology would fail and no computers would work when the year date had three zeros in it. None of these things happened. Sadly, I even think we have more global wars now than we did then.

More than ever we can pray the words of the carol ‘Oh hush your noise, you men of strife and hear the angels sing.’ Edmund Sears. The world is a noisier place than it used to be . Music, though not always recognizable as such, blares out from every shop we enter and many car stereo systems. Our ears are assailed at every point. It seems we can’t cope with silence. With more noise, we hear less.

This is quite a sad picture, but we don’t need to be overcome by it. We need to listen to the still, small voice of God and we can do so in our hearts, whatever is happening around us. On the whole He won’t shout at us (though sometimes we need it).We need to treasure our Quiet Time or that period when it is just God and us. How can we obey if we don’t hear and listen?

May we listen to the angels, give ourselves the opportunity to obey with Gideon and with Samuel may we say ‘Speak Lord, your servant hears.’

No Teaching Necessary

‘No longer will they teach their neighbours, or say to one another ‘Know the Lord’ because they will know me.’ Hebrews 8:11

It is never easy telling others about God, at least I don’t fine it so. In my country there is a hesitancy in talking about spiritual matters. There is a feeling that ‘my faith is a personal thing,’ but that is not how God wants it to be. We are told in the Bible ‘Go into all the world teaching and baptising.’ Matthew 28.

As we have just read in Hebrews it would be great if we didn’t have to evangelise because everyone would know Him. Sadly this is not the case. Again, in my country God is being known less and less. He is seldom taught about in schools and not automatically talked about in families.

Our job of telling others about God is more and more important than ever, but we can’t just go out and shout about Him willy-nilly. We are yolked together with God; we need the help of the Holy Spirit. How can we possibly know the state of our listeners’ hearts? We do not know who has a fertile soul? Where is the stony ground and where it will be unprofitable to speak?

Unable to Speak

We probably are not as appreciative of our power of speech as we should be. Recently my friend had a chest infection and lost his voice as well. A proper conversation with him was impossible at that time. I thought about Zechariah unable to speak for a period of months. During that time he wouldn’t have been able to speak kind words to his family or lead his community with encouragement.

Neither would he have been able to speak harsh or unkind words. No doubt there have been times when we wish we had never spoken or regret the words we have said. Zechariah wouldn’t have had any such soul-searching at this time. The letter of James urges us to watch what we say.

On reading my Bible notes it was pointed that probably this priest also suffered from deafness. This idea was gained from Luke 1:62 ‘And they made signs to his father.’ Does this point to the fact that he was also deaf? What a lonely period this must have been for him!

Not Punishment but Preparation

Life does often throw up some difficult situations and we can find ourselves struggling in the storms of life. We never know what will happen to us on any given day. Our storms can be personal, loss of health, loss of friends and family, loss of job. There are times when these problems don’t come singly. Some storms might be slightly less personal, but still devastating, trouble in the neighbourhood, difficulties in the church or wars and threats of war.

Trouble is never welcome, we don’t want it, but it will come. Reading in the Bible it was sometimes thought that sickness was the result of sin, as in the healing of the blind man ‘Who sinned this man or his parents? John 9:1. Fortunately Jesus explained that it was not punishment. Trials can be a time of spiritual growth, a period of preparation. Down through the ages men and women have attested to the fact that in the ‘down times’ they have been closer to God; they have been upheld in a supernatural way. Our spiritual growth is in times of difficulties.

Joseph probably learned more in the pit and prison than he did in the palace. It was a time of preparation for the important periods he had ahead. While things were going well he could boast in his dreams and multi-coloured coat. With these privileges came arrogance; when the chips were down he came face to face with God and had his times of spiritual growth. It can be the same for us.


Goodness with contentment is great gain.’ 1 Timothy 8:6

This verse made me think about my contentment, am I as contented as I should be? And i wonder if you are as contented as you should be? We have every reason to be happy. We are taught and truly believe that goods and possessions will never bring happiness and we know relationships can sour. True contentment is only through Jesus Christ. When are hearts are truly full of praise and thankfulness we will find true peace.

At this time of year we are thinking of the birth of Jesus, the source of our salvation. When we have Jesus we have all we can ever need. Our contentment can bubble up into joy. In this same chapter we are urged to ‘pursue gentleness, godliness, faith and endurance. These virtues will build to make us up into fully-rounded Christians.

Christmas Eve

We’re almost there. The hustle and bustle, the shopping, the cooking are over, while children wait for Father Christmas and we may be able to attend a Christmas Eve service’ The time that mankind has been waiting for is here.. Tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of our Saviour. It is a pivotal event in the whole of creation. It was planned from the beginning of existence.. It is the time when salvation is coming to the world and to us personally.

Let us worship with the shepherd, sing with the angels and give with the kings. Every carol joyfully announces the fact ‘Jesus Christ is born.’ We are thankful that our joy is not just for these couple of days but for eternity. We are included in the celebration here and in heaven. Heaven will be rejoicing all over again ‘Angels voices ever singing’. How many Christmases have you known? The wonder is not something that fades with time. God was made man for us, no praise to Him is too great, ‘Man can live for evermore because of Christmas. Day’.


There are no words more authoritative than the words in the Bible but at this time of year we have the chance to sing carols old and new, using words which for the most part are based on the Bible. King David loved to sing and even today we can read these songs in the form of the Psalms. There is something special about singing. It stimulates the realise of feel-good hormones , dopamine and serotonin, lowers stress levels, and blood pressure and remembering activates the brain. And most of all we enjoy it. Carol services are very popular, attended by people who have a faith as well as those who don’t.

Every part of the Christmas story is illustrated through carols.. The shepherds are well represented ‘While shepherds watched their flock by night, all seated on the ground, Tate. And ‘Hark, the herald-angels sing, glory to the new-born King,’ Charles Wesley. Children are not forgotten with the carol ‘Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.’ Martin Luther.

It’s a shame we only sing the carols at Christmas, the words are worthy of remembering all the year round and not just for a few days. The carol ‘Mary’s Boy Child tell us ‘Man can live for evermore because of Christmas Day.’