The Race of Life

Though we have many races in life, school sports days, races for buses, striving to receive academic awards, we only have one race of life. It’s probably true of all of us that we swerve from side to side at times along this path. We meet many distracting obstacles on the way. which mislead us and cause us to stumble.

Our race may be long or short and if the race is long there may be a tendency to flag. It is then that we need to concentrate on the finish.and keep our eyes on the final destination. As my hairdresser told me recently ‘We’re dying from the moment we’re born.’ (Unfortunately she gave no thought as to what the final destination would be.)

Our final place will be heaven, but God has gifted us with many pleasant times along the way. Some periods of life are sweet but they are not the end place. I think of my 91 year old friend now in end of life care. She has run a good race and is so eager to meet her maker. May she soon say with Paul, ‘I have finished the race,’ 2 Timothy 4:6.’