Human, yet Divine

We know throughout the Bible that God is divine, but when we meet Jesus in the New Testament we learn that He also became human.

We read in Mark 4 that He was tired. What a human reaction. We are often tired and weary but Jesus said ‘Come to me you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28 .’ Jesus was tempted by the devil in Matthew 4:6 ‘If You are the Son of God command that these stones become loaves of bread.’ A temptation to use His heavenly powers to satisfied a human need. Forty days fasting in the wilderness was a hungry business. On another occasion when Jesus was in the temple He saw His house of worship being used by shop keepers and those out to exploit the poor. He was humanly angry and overturned the table of money. On behalf of His heavenly Father He was outraged.

At His trial he was beaten and scourged, being the Son of God, didn’t stop Him from bleeding and great pain being inflicted on His body. When He was whipped and scourged, He bled. His feet were sore after much walking. He washed His disciples feet, but I wonder who washed His. They were human feet, dirty and sore. His discomfort was as bad as His disciples. After His resurrection he cooked His disciples breakfast on the beach. How wonderful that fish must have tasted!

Jesus was divine yet very human.