Teach Us to Pray

The disciples would have often seen Jesus at prayer and observed His closeness to His Father. As we say today ‘they wanted some of that’ and we still have that need. Sometimes prayer is as easy as breathing, at other times it is extremely difficult or impossible.

We have all heard the simplicity and faith when children pray ‘Lord, please tell Tabby not to scratch me.’ ‘Dear God, thank you there were no greens today.’ There is nothing elaborate, there is no special ceremony. This is just a little child talking to his loving Father.

In times of great tragedy, sorrow or problems, when prayer is needed most that is when prayer can be so hard. It is as if the ears of heaven are closed. The ceiling is the limit of our prayers. ‘Oh Lord, where are you?’ we cry.

Jesus answered His disciples request for teaching on this subject by giving them a model prayer, a template. Today some use this prayer by repeating each word as it appears in the Bible, while others use it as a framework. It matters not, what does matter is that we pray.

When learning to ride a bike or pay the piano, we are told repeatedly that we must practice, practice, practice. Learning to pray is no different, we must practice. There is the added attraction that when we spend time talking with God, not like learning to ride a bike or play the piano, we also spend more time with our Creator and Saviour.

So with the disciples, even in this day and age we need to say, ‘Lord, teach us how to pray.’