
No, you won’t find this word in the dictionary. Trust, trusted, trustworthy, trustfulness trustiest and trusting, they are all there. The word ‘trustable’ was uttered by a youngster on national television, about a trustworthy person in his life, but in the stress of the occasion he couldn’t find the right word. ‘Trustable,’ don’t you jut love it.

Our God is completely ‘trustable’, absolutely and completely. Because we’re using a different word, maybe we will think about it more. ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.’ Psalm 46. You can’t get anything more strong and reliable than a rock. ‘God alone is my rock and my salvation. I shall never be shaken’ Psalm 62:2. ‘God is my light and salvation, whom shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?’ Psalm 27:1

The Bible is overflowing with words of dependability describing our God. But I think ‘trustable’ is a good way of putting it.