I’m so pleased God created trees, they are a source of great pleasure. Genesis 1:11 says ‘Then God said, ‘Let the land produce..,,,,,,,,,. trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’
Trees are mentioned so much in the Bible though it was through abuse of a tree that the downfall of mankind came to pass. The trees in the Garden of Eden, the upright Lebanon trees the tree on which our Saviour was crucified through to the Tree of Life mentioned in Revelation, all have their place in God’s plans.
Trees produce all kinds of benefits. I read that in my own country since the Second World War billions of trees have been lost. They bind soil, and prevent erosion, the leaf fall fertilizes the ground and trees provide habitat for the wildlife, shade in the blazing heat and protection from the rain.
Recently one of our iconic sycamore trees has been illegally felled in my own area. This has led to worldwide condemnation. I’m amazed at the depth of feeling towards trees. As I say, I thank God for trees.