Christmas Eve

We’re almost there. The hustle and bustle, the shopping, the cooking are over, while children wait for Father Christmas and we may be able to attend a Christmas Eve service’ The time that mankind has been waiting for is here.. Tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of our Saviour. It is a pivotal event in the whole of creation. It was planned from the beginning of existence.. It is the time when salvation is coming to the world and to us personally.

Let us worship with the shepherd, sing with the angels and give with the kings. Every carol joyfully announces the fact ‘Jesus Christ is born.’ We are thankful that our joy is not just for these couple of days but for eternity. We are included in the celebration here and in heaven. Heaven will be rejoicing all over again ‘Angels voices ever singing’. How many Christmases have you known? The wonder is not something that fades with time. God was made man for us, no praise to Him is too great, ‘Man can live for evermore because of Christmas. Day’.