For Everyone

God’s caring sacrificial love is for everyone, otherwise I might miss out. If God’s love was only for the young and intelligent, it would not be on offer for me. I am no longer young and my intelligence is only normal. At school I was always about the middle of the class. God doesn’t ask how many exams we’ve passed or how many diplomas we have. He simply asks us to love Him. God doesn’t ask us to be beautiful and stunningly good looking. I’m just average again; I’ve never been called beautiful or ugly. God looks on the heart and not on the outward appearance; think about David not being as striking as his brothers.

Nor does God’s acceptance of me depend on my wealth. I have been blessed with enough, but that is to be used in His service. When we depart this life, everything will be left behind. We will be transported to heaven, but our earthly goods will go into the skip. ‘Nothing in my hands i bring, only to Your cross I cling’ Augustus Toplady. I don’t need any certificates, attributes or possessions to be accepted by God. In fact there is nothing I can do to make Him love me more and there is nothing I can do to make Him love me less. Now, there’s a thought!