
‘Jesus hands were kind hands doing good to all.’ ……. ‘Take my hands Lord Jesus, let them work for You.’ Frank McConnell

My hands have always had an old look to them. Now that the rest of my body is looking older, it doesn’t matter any more. In any case, it is no concern what they look like, it’s what I do with them that matters. I ask myself, do I use my hands to help others, are my hands there to comfort those who are distressed in any way?

The hands of Jesus are a sign of His sacrifice for us. As a child He would have used His hands to have fun and play and as He grew up they would have been used working in His earthly father’s workshop. Fancy owning a table or chair that had been crafted by the God of the Universe, though generally that wasn’t known at the time. During His period of ministry His hands were used to heal and comfort, making the blind to see, the lame to walk.Those hands which did so much good were then nailed to the cross, torn and bleeding. These broken hands will still be seen in heaven, a permanent reminder of the sacrifice that was made.

Going back to thinking about our own hands, we can all use our hands for others, even if there are old and arthritic, our hands can always be lifted up in prayer.