I read recently ‘you don’t wear big boots if you want to win a race.’ Donning my evangelical hat I realised this could mean that as a Christian you can’t suffer from pride; we need humility. We have nothing to boast about, we are all sinners in the sight of God. What grounds have we to ‘wear big boots’? Why are we programmed to be so self-centred, I wonder? Often we want to talk about ourselves and what we’ve been up to. Our highest achievement is but dust.In a conversation we can have a tendency to dominate. We live in a ‘me, me, me world,’ but we don’t have to go that way.
The world doesn’t centre round us, it centres round God. Our thoughts should be of Him and not ourselves. Other people matter to Him and should matter to us. I believe that by thinking about others above ourselve, we will have a better life. I have a friend who died a few months ago, sadly she only thought about herself, everything had to revolve round her. She had no interest in anyone else. Her inward look at life didn’t bring her any happiness. She felt the world always owed her. Dying too young, she never found happiness.
Our complete model of humility is Jesus. In spite of being the creator of the whole world, He didn’t have a special birth, or riches or comforts or even a home of His own. His love for us sent Him to die for us, though so unworthy we may be.