Listening to God.

Here my voice.’ the Bible tells us. ‘My sheep hear My voice.’ John 10:27 and Give ear and listen to My voice.’ Isaiah 28:23 The Bible clearly gives us the instruction that we need to listen to God. He has all wisdom and knowledge, so it surely makes sense to pay attention to what He has to say. Why should I trust my own finite wisdom when I can draw on His? God wants to be there for us, He wants us to hang on His every word.

How often do we make our own decisions and go our own way? As we have never been this way before, we need the guidance of Someone who has. There are times we find ourselves going down the wrong path and our life begins to unravel. We regret the decisions we have made because of ignorance and self-will.

A look at the Bible will tell us that we are not alone in this, holy men and woman of the past have also made mistakes. David often got it wrong as did his son Solomon. The disciples of Jesus certainly got it wrong; they didn’t listen carefully enough to what Jesus had to say. He told them that He was going to be killed by wicked men and then on the third day would rise again. Admittedly the news was almost unbelievable, but they were amazed and unbelieving when it actually happened. They found it hard to believe that the risen Lord was the risen Lord. We can’t blame the disciples, we too are guilty of not listening to God.